You’re building from scratch just another microservice and the programing language of choice is once again Java. What are the 5 non-functional capabilities you’re more likely to need to set up before writing any business code? Well, that usually depends on the project’s requirements, however, more often than not I find myself dealing with the same concerns over and over. Here, I’ll show you what they are and how to implement them in a lightweight, almost framework-free approach.
Get Started
First of all, I acknowledge we are past another decade, where popular frameworks such as Spring Boot and Quarkus have taken over the Java development landscape. The examples shown here have been intentionally created to be independent of these frameworks.
Robert C. Martin has once said software teams get excessively bound to frameworks to the point the control over the software architecture is lost. There’s no doubt this resonates with his work on the SOLID software design principles. Remember, higher-level policies of systems (business domain) should not depend on lower-level ones (frameworks).
Enough said, I rest my case and give you here my list of five essential microservices capabilities:
1. API
The most common way to reach a service from the “outside” is via an HTTP API. The majority of software backend applications nowadays implement some sort of REST API.
Spark Java is a simple, yet powerful micro-framework that provides a DSL for rapid development of HTTP endpoints. It is less invasive compared to other web frameworks, but still offers a lot of power and flexibility.
import static spark.Spark.*;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
get("/hello", (req, res) -> "Hello World");
I wrote a blog post in the past about Spark Java here.
2. Testing
Seeing that REST APIs are everywhere, we must think about how to test them.
Rest Assured is a great option. It has been out there for a while, so chances are you have heard about it. In short, it’s a Java DSL for testing of REST services.
void greet_john() {
final String jsonBody = format("{\"name\":\"%s\",\"surname\":\"%s\"}", "John", "Smith");
.body("greeting", not(nullValue()))
.body("greeting", equalTo("Hello, John Smith!"));
Full example can be found in my GitHub.
3. Logging
Logging, in general, certainly deserves its own topic. Here I’ll discuss specifically two related aspects of application logging: correlation ID and log filter.
3.1. Correlation ID
In a world of distributed microservices, it’s imperative to be able to trace requests that travel from one service to another.
For this reason, it is recommended that every logging statement should include a correlation identifier to the request that it belongs to.
In Java, a popular solution is to use a logging framework that supports MDC - Mapped Diagnostic Context. With MDC, you are given access to store information in the context of a thread. This allows for an elegant solution where a “Request ID” is set to MDC and later read and written by the logging framework.
The Request ID should originate from the incoming request and always propagate through by each service. A common approach is to use HTTP Headers to carry this information. The header names should be standardized, X-Request-ID being a usual example of a name.
If the incoming request does not bring the expected X-Request-ID header, the app should create one and be the originator of that request.
Here is an example of generating an X-Request-ID and assigning it to the MDC:
// APP-YEAR-DAYOFYEAR-randomUUID: APP-2020-150-194a89c21ffa
String correlationId = "APP-".concat(now().format(ISO_ORDINAL_DATE)).concat(randomUUID().toString().substring(23, 36));
MDC.put("X-Request-ID", correlationId);
And finally, an example of how to use X-Request-ID in Logback:
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%date [%thread] %-5level %logger{15} [%X{X-Request-ID}] - %msg%n</pattern>
Checkout working example from here.
3.2. Log Filter
Recently, I have written a full post about log filters. You can jump straight there in case you’re interested.
I recommend setting up log filters to enable the use case of adjusting the log level on a per HTTP request basis. In practice, it could let you access the DEBUG logging of a service in production, without having to restart for configuration updates.
4. Container
When it’s time to ship your application there’s nothing better than packaging in a container.
In the example I’ll show you, Docker is used to build and run the Java app, making the process portable and transparent regardless where it is executed.
FROM maven:3-jdk-11-slim as builder
COPY pom.xml /build/
RUN mvn --file build/pom.xml --batch-mode dependency:go-offline
COPY src /build/src/
RUN mvn --file build/pom.xml --batch-mode --offline package -DskipTests \
&& mkdir app \
&& mv build/target/app-*.jar app/app.jar
FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim
COPY --from=builder app/app.jar app/app.jar
CMD ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]
The code comes from this repo, where you also find samples to configure Kubernetes and Istio.
5. Pipeline
An application deployment pipeline should be set early on in the project. At least something to test and build the artifacts should be in place from the beginning.
Here’s a proof of concept pipeline built for Travis CI. The idea is to showcase the implementation of multiple stages where Java, Docker and Github releases are featured.
More on this topic to be seen in a previous post in this very same blog!
Wrap up
Thanks for coming all the way here.
Everything you’ve seen is available and ready to be used in the format of Maven archetypes. To install them, visit